I create mobile games in topics that interest me 😀


How I Work?


Hi there, I’m Luke

Hi, I have been creating games for at least 9 years. On this website you will find projects that are published only by me.

I am passionate about games, I played a lot as a teenager. In high school, I created websites and simple applications. During my studies, I released my first mobile applications and together with my friends, we started creating mobile games.

However, I wanted to return to publishing games myself. Various programs and AI will help me with this.

Frequently Asked Questions

I made an in-game purchase, can I get a refund?

Yes, you can, each platform specifies in detail the conditions for making refunds. Read them and follow the guidelines:

Google Play

Apple App Store


Do games display ads?

Yes, but I try not to make it intrusive. I mainly rely on revarded video, i.e. advertising that gives some value in the game for watching it. Please remember that I mainly publish free games and I need to support myself and my family, develop games and invest in new projects.

Is my personal information safe while playing?

Yes, my games do not collect personal data. The only data that is collected is that which helps improve designs and display appropriate advertisements.

How can I report a game bug or technical issue?

Please use the contact form on the website. Enter the name of the game, from which store it was downloaded, and on what version of the system and smartphone the error occurred. Thanks.